Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Saturday, June 28, 2014

First Place Haiku

empty hut...
in and out of the shadows
this black bird

1st place, Shiki Kukai, June 2014

the breeze
of our scented memories...
missing you

8th place, Shiki Kukai, June 2014


  1. Congratulations on your strong showing. Your first palce ku reminds me of one I wrote sometime ago

    the crow's shadow
    darker than the crow
    midday heat

  2. Your encouragement means a lot to me, Bill.
    Thanks for the stunning haiku you left here for me and my readers to enjoy.
